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      1 [{"post":"0","title":"Pastebin","description":"Paste your life away","content":"Here's a little [pastebin](http:\/\/p.nanner.co) I made in some shotty PHP.\r\n\r\nView sauce [here](http:\/\/github.com\/bannana\/pastebin)."},{"post":"1","title":"Turtle Console","description":"Turtle Graphics interpreter","content":"<iframe src=\"\/\/static.banna.tech\/turtleconsole\" width=\"700\" height=\"600\" style=\"border:none;\"><\/iframe>\r\n<p>You can view it <a href=\"\/\/static.banna.tech\/turtleconsole\">here<\/a><\/p>\r\n<h2>The commands are as follows:<\/h2>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><code>go(amount)<\/code> -> moves turtle forward in the specified amount of pixels<\/li>\r\n<li><code>move(amount)<\/code> -> moves turtle without drawing on the canvas<\/li>\r\n<li><code>r(degrees)<\/code> \/ <code>right(degrees)<\/code> -> Turns the turtle right in the specified amount of degrees<\/li>\r\n<li><code>l(degrees)<\/code> \/ <code>left(degrees)<\/code> -> Turns the turtle left in the specified amount of degrees<\/li>\r\n<li><code>tran(x,y)<\/code> -> Changes the turtle's coordinates by adding x and y to current location<\/li>\r\n<li><code>set(x,y)<\/code> -> Sets the absolute value of the turtles coordinates<\/li>\r\n<li><code>color(#RRGGBB)<\/code> -> Sets the \"pen\" color<\/li>\r\n<li><code>size(pixels)<\/code> -> Sets the line width<\/li>\r\n<li><code>circ(radius)<\/code> -> Creates a circle with the turtle in the center<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<h2>Special commands:<\/h2>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><code>v [variable name] = [value]<\/code> -> sets a variable<\/li>\r\n<li><code>if ([condition]) ([code])<\/code> -> Executes specific code on a condition<\/li>\r\n<li><code>for ([iterations]) ([code])<\/code> -> Executes a block of code for an amount of interations, specified by [iterations]<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<h2>Notes<\/h2>\r\n<p>In the \"code box\" or inside an if condition\/for loop, every command must be trailed with a ;<\/p>\r\n<h2>Examples<\/h2>\r\n<p><img alt=\"Screenshot\" src=\"\/\/i.banna.tech\/10projects.png\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The following command will produce this output: <br\/><code>for (36) (for (4) (l(90);go(100););l(10);)<\/code><\/p>\r\n<p><img alt=\"Screenshot\" src=\"\/\/i.banna.tech\/11projects.png\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Aperture Science! Credit goes to a redstone sheep<\/p>\r\n<pre><code>for (1) (\r\n  tran(0,300);\r\n  l(20);\r\n  for (8) (\r\n    for (12) (\r\n      go(15);\r\n      l(3);\r\n    );\r\n    l(130);\r\n    go(242);\r\n    l(135);\r\n    go(127);\r\n    l(59);\r\n    for (15) (\r\n      move(15);\r\n      l(3);\r\n    );\r\n  );\r\n);<\/code><\/pre>"},{"post":"2","title":"Snake","description":"Eat stuff","content":"<p>Hello, there.<\/p>\r\n<p>I'm sure you like the game Snake, correct?<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"http:\/\/static.banna.tech\/snake\" style=\"font-size:40px;background-color:#323232;border-radius:4px;box-shadow:0px 3px #1C1C1C;padding:5px;color:#EEEEEE;\">PLAY ME<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>The controls are as follows:<\/p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>W-A-S-D to move<\/li>\r\n<li>P Pauses the game<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"},{"post":"3","title":"Game of Life","description":"HTML5\/Javascript implementation of Conway's Game of Life","content":"<p><a href=\"\/\/static.banna.tech\/life\" style=\"font-size:40px;background-color:#323232;border-radius:4px;box-shadow:0px 3px #1C1C1C;padding:5px;color:#EEEEEE;\">Launch!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>*chrome recommended<\/p>\r\n<h3>How to use<\/h3>\r\n<p>Left click to add cells, right click to remove them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Space starts the generation, <code>S<\/code> increments the generation step-by-step<\/p>\r\n<p><code>Shift + Click<\/code> to move around the grid, Scroll wheel or <code>+\/-<\/code> to zoom in\/out<\/p>\r\n<h3>Key commands<\/h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><code>R<\/code> - reset view<\/li>\r\n<li><code>SPACE<\/code> - Start the generation<\/li>\r\n<li><code>S<\/code> - Increment generation step-by-step<\/li>\r\n<li><code>Z<\/code> - Undo added cell<\/li>\r\n<li>Arrow keys \/ <code>SHIFT<\/code> + click - Move around the grid<\/li>\r\n<li><code>+<\/code> or <code>-<\/code> \/ Scroll Wheel - Zoom in\/out<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"},{"post":"4","title":"Toy Language","description":"Some fools attempt at an interpreted language","content":"During my time in my vocational class I learned to use\r\nPython  and  along  with  that,  I learned a lot about software development and\r\nprogramming  concepts.  Python  built  a  bridge between ideas and reality when\r\nlearning  programming  concepts  because  of  the ease of prototyping ideas and\r\narchitectures. Going  from  python to a language where implementing ideas takes\r\nmuch more time and effort is a big wall in my growth as a  programmer. The main\r\nissue with this wall is that most ideas I came up with needed much more thought\r\nif the idea was even worth the effort. Why not take the knowledge I learned in\r\nand re-create my own version of a Python-like interpreted language? And because\r\nof that thought I wrote this paragraph explaining my reasoning.\r\n\r\n##Goals\r\n\r\nThe goal of this project will be to not make the best, fastest, most awesome\r\ninterpreted  language that has ever graced planet Earth,  but to provide a great\r\nproject to learn more about taking a decently complex design, and bring it into\r\nreality using tools and languages I have yet to initiate a complex project with.\r\nTo be more detailed,  I  plan  to  implement this project using the programming\r\nlanguage C, using a fluent and comprehensive use of a canonical Git workflow and\r\nimplementing Continuous Integration keep track of stable branches.\r\n\r\n##What's in it?\r\n\r\nThis project will have several components that will work together to provide\r\nthe working product. These components are as follows:\r\n\r\n* Interpreter\r\n    * The interpreter will parse and convert code into bytecode to be executed by the VM runtime\r\n\r\n* Virtual Machine Runtime\r\n    * This will be a stack-based VM providing the runtime for working code\r\n\r\n* Standard Library\r\n    * Provide a library of tools to make the language somewhat usable\r\n\r\n##Repositories\r\n\r\nThe repository can be found in the following locations:\r\n\r\n* [dev.nanner.co\/language](http:\/\/dev.nanner.co\/language)\r\n\r\n* [github.com\/bannana\/language](https:\/\/github.com\/bannana\/language)\r\n\r\n##Where it's at\r\n\r\nThis project is still in its baby steps, you can follow development via the linked repositories, and run test cases like an awesome human being!\r\n"}]