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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 	<head>
      4 		<title>banna - about me</title>
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      6 		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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     17 				<a href="/">
     18 					<img src="/banna.png" alt="banna.tech" height="45" width="201" />
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     22 				<a class="" href="/post">blog</a>
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     30     <div class="post aboutbox">
     31   <div class="content">
     32   <p style="font-family: 'MuseoSlab500',sans-serif;padding-left: 30px;font-size: 32px;border-bottom: 2px solid #cecece;text-shadow: 1px 1px #cecece; margin-top:0px;">welcome to Paul's internet site<img src="https://i.banna.tech/ensign.svg" height="73px" width="73px"></p>
     34 <p>I have a passion for mathematics and the interconnected web of sciences.</p>
     35 <p>You can find me on a skateboard, drinking tea, authoring commits on <a href="https://github.com/bannatech/">GitHub</a> and <a href="https://soundcloud.com/pals_space/">writing songs</a>!</p>
     36 <p>M: paul@nanner.co.</p>
     37 <p>content by paul, compiled by <a href="http://pnbp.nanner.co">pnbp</a>.</p>
     38   </div>
     39 </div>
     41     <script type="text/javascript">
     42 /**
     43     Turtle Graphics implemented in JavaScript
     45     initiate with a canvas object passed in Turtle()
     46 **/
     47 function Turtle(canvas) {
     48     "use strict";
     49     this.canvas = canvas;
     50     this.c = canvas.getContext("2d");
     51     this.c.lineWidth = 1;
     52     this.c.fillStyle = "#000000";
     53     this.loc = [this.canvas.width / 2, this.canvas.height / 2];
     54     this.head = 0;
     55     this.lineOffset = 0.5;
     56     this.colorMode = 'hex';
     57     this.forward = function (dist) {
     58         var piAngle = (Math.PI / 180) * this.head,
     59             x = this.loc[0] + dist * Math.cos(piAngle),
     60             y = this.loc[1] + dist * Math.sin(piAngle);
     61         this.c.beginPath();
     62         this.c.moveTo((this.loc[0]) + this.lineOffset, (this.loc[1]) + this.lineOffset);
     63         this.loc = [x, y];
     64         this.c.lineTo((this.loc[0]) + this.lineOffset, (this.loc[1]) + this.lineOffset);
     65         this.c.stroke();
     66         this.c.closePath();
     67     };
     69     this.backward = function (dist) {
     70         var piAngle = (Math.PI / 180) * this.head, x = this.loc[0] - dist * Math.cos(piAngle), y = this.loc[1] - dist * Math.sin(piAngle);
     71         this.c.beginPath();
     72         this.c.moveTo(Math.round(this.loc[0]) + this.lineOffset, Math.round(this.loc[1]) + this.lineOffset);
     73         this.loc = [x, y];
     74         this.c.lineTo(Math.round(this.loc[0]) + this.lineOffset, Math.round(this.loc[1]) + this.lineOffset);
     75         this.c.stroke();
     76         this.c.closePath();
     77     };
     78     this.right = function (amount) {
     79         this.head = this.head + amount;
     80         if (this.head > 360) {
     81             this.head = this.head - 360;
     82         }
     83         return this.head;
     84     };
     86     this.left = function (amount) {
     87         this.head = this.head - amount;
     88         if (this.head < 0) {
     89             this.head = this.head + 360;
     90         }
     91         return this.head;
     92     };
     94     this.pencolor = function (color) {
     95         if (this.colorMode === 'hex') {
     96             this.c.strokeStyle = color;
     97         } else if (this.colorMode === 'rgb') {
     98             this.c.strokeStyle = '#' + color[0].toString(16) + color[1].toString(16) + color[2].toString(16);
     99         } else if (this.colorMode === 'rgba') {
    100             this.c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + color[0] + ',' + color[1] + ',' + color[2] + "," +  (color[3] / 255) + ")";
    101         }
    102     };
    104     this.pensize = function (x) {
    105         this.c.lineWidth = x;
    106     };
    107 }
    108 function Ctx(canvas, op, up, dn){
    109     this.canvas = canvas;
    110     this.op     = op;
    111     this.up     = up;
    112     this.dn     = dn;
    113     this.i      = 0;
    114     this.increment = 0.1;
    115     this.translation = 0;
    116     this.offset = 0;
    117 }
    118 </script>
    119     <script type="text/javascript">
    120 var initalHeight = window.innerHeight;
    121 var context = new Ctx(null, null, null, null);
    122 var linelen = ( ( Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth ) / 2 ) / 10);
    124 var rule = {
    125     axiom : 0,
    126     rules : [
    127         ["1","1"],
    128         ["0","1[0]0"]
    129     ]
    130 }
    132 var op = generateString(rule,9);
    134 window.onload = main;
    135 window.onresize = update;
    136 window.orientationchange = update;
    138 var oldx = window.innerWidth;
    139 function update() {
    140     if (context.drawing == false && oldx != window.innerWidth) {
    141         main();
    142     	oldx = window.innerWidth;
    143     }
    144 }
    146 function main () {
    147     document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
    149     var post = document.getElementsByClassName("post")[0];
    151     var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");
    152     var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    154     if (window.innerWidth > 950) {
    155         canvas.width = window.innerWidth - 205;
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    157         canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
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    160     var body = document.body,
    161         html = document.documentElement;
    163     canvas.height = Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, 
    164                               html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight );
    166     var up = new Turtle(canvas);
    167     var dn = new Turtle(canvas);
    169     up.pencolor("#EEEEEE");
    170     up.pensize(Math.phi);
    171     dn.pensize(Math.phi);
    173     up.loc = [canvas.width / 2, initalHeight / 2];
    174     dn.loc = [canvas.width / 2, initalHeight / 2];
    176     operate(up,dn,op, {r:60,l:60}, linelen);
    178     context = new Ctx(canvas, op, up, dn);
    180     context.drawing = false;
    182     canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(evt) {
    184         if (context.drawing == false)
    185         {
    186             context.drawing = true;
    187             loop(0);
    188         };
    189     }, true);
    190 }
    192 function wavey(x) {
    193     return ((Math.abs(Math.sin((1/3)*x))*10)/((1/18)*x));
    194 }
    195 function draw()
    196 {
    197     var f = wavey(context.i+context.translation) + context.offset;
    198     var a = scale(f, 60, 10, 60, 0);
    200     var angles = {
    201         l:a,
    202         r:a
    203     }
    205     context.canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0,0,context.canvas.width,context.canvas.height);
    207     context.up.loc = [canvas.width / 2, initalHeight / 2];
    208     context.dn.loc = [canvas.width / 2, initalHeight / 2];
    210     operate(context.up, context.dn, context.op, angles, linelen);
    211 }
    212 function loop(timestamp) {
    214     draw();
    216     context.i += context.increment;
    218     if (context.drawing && (context.i < 33 && context.i > 0))
    219     {
    220         window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);
    221     }
    222     else
    223     {
    224         context.drawing = false;
    225         context.increment *= -1;
    227         if (context.translation == -33)
    228         {
    229             context.translation = 0;
    230             context.offset = 0;
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    232         else
    233         {
    234             context.translation = -33;
    235             context.offset = 60 - ((60 * Math.sin(11))/11);
    236         }
    237     }
    238 }
    240 function tol(val, target, tol) {
    241     if (((target - tol) < val) && (val < (target + tol)))
    242     {
    243         return true;
    244     } else
    245     {
    246         return false;
    247     }
    248 }
    250 function scale(n, max, min, largest, smallest) {
    251     return ( min + (max-min)/(largest-smallest)*(n-smallest));
    252 }
    254 function mousePosition (evt,canvas) {
    255         var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
    256         return {
    257             x: evt.clientX - rect.left,
    258             y: evt.clientY - rect.top
    259         };
    260     }
    261 function generateString (rule,generation) {
    262     var string = rule.axiom +"";
    263     for (var i = 0; i < generation; i++) {
    264         for (var x = 0; x < rule.rules.length; x++) {
    265             string = replaceAll(rule.rules[x][0],rule.rules[x][1],string);
    266         }
    267     }
    268     return string;
    269 }
    271 function replaceAll(find, replace, str) {
    272     return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);
    273 }
    275 function operate (up,dn,op,turn,line) {
    276     var turn = turn;
    277     var stack = [];
    278     up.head = 270;
    279     dn.head = 270;
    280     for (var i = 0; i < op.length; i++) {
    281         if (op[i] == "0" || op[i] == "1") {
    282             up.forward(line);
    283             dn.forward(-line);
    284         } else if (op[i] == "[") {
    285             var val_up = [up.loc,up.head];
    286             var val_dn = [dn.loc,dn.head];
    287             stack.push(val_up)
    288             stack.push(val_dn)
    289             up.left(turn.l);
    290             dn.left(turn.l);
    291         } else if (op[i] == "]") {
    292             var res_dn = stack.pop();
    293             dn.loc = res_dn[0];
    294             dn.head = res_dn[1];
    295             dn.right(turn.r); 
    297             var res_up = stack.pop();
    298             up.loc = res_up[0];
    299             up.head = res_up[1];
    300             up.right(turn.r); 
    301         }
    302     }
    303 }
    304     </script>
    305     <style>
    306 #canvas {
    307     position:fixed;
    308     top:0px;
    309     left:205px;
    310     z-index:-1;
    311     background-color:#204C58;
    312     background-image:url('https://i.banna.tech/background.png');
    313     background-repeat:repeat;
    314 }
    315 @media screen and (max-width:950px) {
    316     #canvas {
    317         left:0px;
    318     }
    319 }
    320     </style>
    321     <canvas id="canvas"> </canvas>
    323 			</div>
    324 		</div>
    325 	</body>
    326 </html>