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     31     <a href="/post/ramblings_on_the_toy_language_part_2" class="link"><h1 class="header">Ramblings on the Toy Language Part 2</h1></a>
     32     <span class="date">Posted on March, 24 2016</span>
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     34 <blockquote>
     35 <p>In the last installment of <a href="https://banna.tech/post/ramblings_on_the_toy_language_part_1/">Ramblings on the Toy Language</a>, I talked about the definition of an instruction interpreter. Beyond interpreting instructions, providing an environment where instruction subroutines can manipulate various components of the runtime is a key factor in providing a turing-complete architecture. In this installment, I will be going over the basic components of a runtime context.</p>
     36 </blockquote>
     37 <h2>Runtime Context</h2>
     38 <p>Much like how various components are connected together on a main bus inside a CPU, the runtime context provides references to various objects (along with their interfaces) that need to be exposed for a runtime to function. Refer to the diagram below:</p>
     39 <p><img alt="runtime" src="//i.banna.tech/190blog.svg" /></p>
     40 <p>In this diagram, the entry point initiates the runtime which, in turn, initiates a series of objects such as a Namespace instance, a Runtime stack, an Argument stack, and a Program counter. When a program is run, a Runtime context is then passed as the context to any instruction subroutine. Referring to the instruction <a href="http://dev.nanner.co/language/file/doc/SPECIFICATION.html#l159">specifications</a>, an instruction like <code>POP S&lt;n&gt;</code> would manipulate the Runtime stack, while an instruction like <code>GOTO A&lt;addr&gt;</code> would manipulate the program counter.</p>
     41 <p>Each one of these objects under the runtime context have a specific interface where they are manipulated through. The idea of having opcodes as subroutines is to provide abstract wrappers around these interfaces. For example, if there were no runtime context, <a href="http://dev.nanner.co/language/file/doc/SPECIFICATION.html#l196">binary operators</a> wouldn't have a stack to push/pop to. The interface would exist, but the contextual data of specific instances of stacks are needed for a chain of instructions to properly achieve turing-completeness.</p>
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