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     31     <a href="/things/post/toy_language" class="link"><h1 class="header">Toy Language</h1></a>
     32     <div class="projectdescription">
     33 <p>During my time in my vocational class I learned to use
     34 Python  and  along  with  that,  I learned a lot about software development and
     35 programming  concepts.  Python  built  a  bridge between ideas and reality when
     36 learning  programming  concepts  because  of  the ease of prototyping ideas and
     37 architectures. Going  from  python to a language where implementing ideas takes
     38 much more time and effort is a big wall in my growth as a  programmer. The main
     39 issue with this wall is that most ideas I came up with needed much more thought
     40 if the idea was even worth the effort. Why not take the knowledge I learned in
     41 and re-create my own version of a Python-like interpreted language? And because
     42 of that thought I wrote this paragraph explaining my reasoning.</p>
     43 <h2>Goals</h2>
     44 <p>The goal of this project will be to not make the best, fastest, most awesome
     45 interpreted  language that has ever graced planet Earth,  but to provide a great
     46 project to learn more about taking a decently complex design, and bring it into
     47 reality using tools and languages I have yet to initiate a complex project with.
     48 To be more detailed,  I  plan  to  implement this project using the programming
     49 language C, using a fluent and comprehensive use of a canonical Git workflow and
     50 implementing Continuous Integration keep track of stable branches.</p>
     51 <h2>What's in it?</h2>
     52 <p>This project will have several components that will work together to provide
     53 the working product. These components are as follows:</p>
     54 <ul>
     55 <li>
     56 <p>Interpreter</p>
     57 <ul>
     58 <li>The interpreter will parse and convert code into bytecode to be executed by the VM runtime</li>
     59 </ul>
     60 </li>
     61 <li>
     62 <p>Virtual Machine Runtime</p>
     63 <ul>
     64 <li>This will be a stack-based VM providing the runtime for working code</li>
     65 </ul>
     66 </li>
     67 <li>
     68 <p>Standard Library</p>
     69 <ul>
     70 <li>Provide a library of tools to make the language somewhat usable</li>
     71 </ul>
     72 </li>
     73 </ul>
     74 <h2>Repositories</h2>
     75 <p>The repository can be found in the following locations:</p>
     76 <ul>
     77 <li>
     78 <p><a href="http://dev.nanner.co/language">dev.nanner.co/language</a></p>
     79 </li>
     80 <li>
     81 <p><a href="https://github.com/bannana/language">github.com/bannana/language</a></p>
     82 </li>
     83 </ul>
     84 <h2>Where it's at</h2>
     85 <p>This project is still in its baby steps, you can follow development via the linked repositories, and run test cases like an awesome human being!</p>
     86     </div>
     87 </div>
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     93 </html>