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commit 357898c4792d576a45cef6e451b59c93b5a51c78
parent ac5cbfaae7c65f560c70911f76df4cab6379c500
Author: Paul Longtine <>
Date:   Mon Aug  4 00:13:17 2014

update + add bash

 bash/.bash_aliases                                  |   26 +-
 bash/.bashrc                                        |  132 ++-
 bash/.inputrc                                       |    1 +-
 emacs/.emacs                                        |   32 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/.mc-lists.el                         |    6 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10254-warning~ |    2 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10382-warning~ |    0
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10589-warning~ |    0
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-12510-warning~ |    4 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-15407-warning~ |    2 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-30154-warning~ |    2 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-3056-warning~  |    0
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-5337-warning~  |    2 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-6416-warning~  |    0
 emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-8620-warning~  |    2 +-
 emacs/.emacs.d/go-mode-load.el                      |   96 ++-
 emacs/.emacs.d/go-mode.el                           | 1159 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 i3/.conkyrc                                         |   19 +-
 i3/config                                           |   54 +-
 i3/conky-i3bar                                      |   13 +-
 20 files changed, 1524 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bash/.bash_aliases b/bash/.bash_aliases @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases +if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then + test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)" + alias ls='ls -CF --color=auto' + alias dir='dir --color=auto' + alias vdir='vdir --color=auto' + + alias grep='grep --color=auto' + alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' + alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' +fi + +# some more ls aliases +alias ll='ls -alF' +alias la='ls -A' +alias l='ls -CF' + +# Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so: +# sleep 10; alert +alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"' + +# Make emacs more less shitty +alias e='emacs -nw' + +#heuh, smacs +alias smacs='sudo emacs -nw' diff --git a/bash/.bashrc b/bash/.bashrc @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. +# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc) +# for examples + +# If not running interactively, don't do anything +[ -z "$PS1" ] && return + +# don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options +# ... or force ignoredups and ignorespace +HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace + +# append to the history file, don't overwrite it +shopt -s histappend + +# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) +HISTSIZE=1000 +HISTFILESIZE=2000 + +# check the window size after each command and, if necessary, +# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS. +shopt -s checkwinsize + +# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1) +[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)" + +# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below) +if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then + debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot) +fi + +# Alias definitions. +# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like +# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly. +# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package. + +if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then + . ~/.bash_aliases +fi + +# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable +# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile +# sources /etc/bash.bashrc). +if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then + . /etc/bash_completion +fi + +# interface + +# ANSI CODES - SEPARATE MULTIPLE VALUES WITH ; +# +# 0 reset 4 underline +# 1 bold 7 inverse +# +# FG BG COLOR FG BG COLOR +# 30 40 black 34 44 blue +# 31 41 red 35 45 magenta +# 32 42 green 36 46 cyan +# 33 43 yellow 37 47 white + +if [[ ! "${prompt_colors[@]}" ]]; then + prompt_colors=( + "0;37" # information color + "1;30" # bracket color + "31" # error color + "1;36" # git color + ) + + if [[ "$SSH_TTY" ]]; then + # connected via ssh + prompt_colors[1]="1;32" + elif [[ "$USER" == "root" ]]; then + # logged in as root + prompt_colors[1]="1;31" + fi +fi + +# Inside a prompt function, run this alias to setup local $c0-$c9 color vars. +alias prompt_getcolors='prompt_colors[9]=; local i; for i in ${!prompt_colors[@]}; do local c$i="\[\e[0;${prompt_colors[$i]}m\]"; done' + +# Git status. +function prompt_git() { + prompt_getcolors + local status output flags + status="$(git status 2>/dev/null)" + [[ $? != 0 ]] && return; + output="$(echo "$status" | awk '/# Initial commit/ {print "(init)"}')" + [[ "$output" ]] || output="$(echo "$status" | awk '/# On branch/ {print $4}')" + [[ "$output" ]] || output="$(git branch | perl -ne '/^\* (.*)/ && print $1')" + flags="$( + echo "$status" | awk 'BEGIN {r=""} \ + /Changes to be committed:/ {r=r "+"}\ + /Changes not staged for commit:/ {r=r "!"}\ + /Untracked files:/ {r=r "?"}\ + END {print r}' + )" + if [[ "$flags" ]]; then + output="$output$c1:$c3$flags" + fi + echo "$c1-$c3$output$c1$c9" +} + +function prompt_command() { + local exit_code=$? + local pad=`printf "%03d" $exit_code` + # If the first command in the stack is prompt_command, no command was run. + # Set exit_code to 0 and reset the stack. + [[ "${prompt_stack[0]}" == "prompt_command" ]] && exit_code=0 + prompt_stack=() + + # Manually load z here, after $? is checked, to keep $? from being clobbered. + [[ "$(type -t _z)" ]] && _z --add "$(pwd -P 2>/dev/null)" 2>/dev/null + + # While the simple_prompt environment var is set, disable the awesome prompt. + [[ "$simple_prompt" ]] && PS1='\n$ ' && return + prompt_getcolors + PS1="\n" + # misc: [cmd#] + #PS1="$PS1$c1[$c0#\#$c1]$c9" + # name: user@host:path + PS1="$PS1$c1[$c0$pad$c1|$c0\w$c1]$c9" + # git: [branch:flags] + PS1="$PS1$(prompt_git)" + if [[ "$USER" == "root" ]]; then + PS1="$PS1$c1 #\[\033[0;37m\] " + else + PS1="$PS1$c1 \$\[\033[0;37m\] " + fi + # Update the title with location + echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007" +} + +PROMPT_COMMAND='prompt_command' diff --git a/bash/.inputrc b/bash/.inputrc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +set colored-stats on diff --git a/emacs/.emacs b/emacs/.emacs @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ ; Young .emacs for the powerful (custom-set-variables + ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + '(custom-enabled-themes (quote (wombat))) + '(inhibit-startup-screen t) '(make-backup-files nil) + '(menu-bar-mode nil) '(scroll-bar-mode nil) '(tool-bar-mode nil) - '(menu-bar-mode nil) '(tooltip-mode nil)) (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/") @@ -14,19 +20,33 @@ (require 'multiple-cursors) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'mc/edit-lines) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c x") 'mc/mark-all-like-this) -(global-set-key (kbd "C-c n") 'mc/mark-next-like-this) -(global-set-key (kbd "C-c p") 'mc/mark-previous-like-this) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-n") 'mc/mark-next-like-this) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-p") 'mc/mark-previous-like-this) + +(add-to-list 'load-path "go-mode-load.el" t) +(require 'go-mode-load) (require 'autopair) (autopair-global-mode) ;; keybind yo -(global-set-key (kbd "C-c {") 'enlarge-window-horizontally) -(global-set-key (kbd "C-c }") 'shrink-window-horizontally) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-[") 'enlarge-window-horizontally) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-]") 'shrink-window-horizontally) ;; make whitespace-mode use just basic coloring (setq whitespace-style (quote (spaces tabs space-mark tab-mark))) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'whitespace-mode) + +(setq-default c-basic-offset 8 + tab-width 8 + indent-tabs-mode t) + -(global-whitespace-mode 1) +(custom-set-faces + ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + '(default ((t (:family "Terminus" :foundry "xos4" :slant normal :weight normal :height 90 :width normal))))) diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/.mc-lists.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/.mc-lists.el @@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ (setq mc/cmds-to-run-for-all '( + autopair-insert-opening + autopair-newline + autopair-skip-close-maybe + c-electric-delete-forward + c-indent-line-or-region + indent-for-tab-command kill-region undefined )) diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10254-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10254-warning~ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/home/paul/.i3/config +/home/paul/.i3/#config# diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10382-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10382-warning~ diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10589-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-10589-warning~ diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-12510-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-12510-warning~ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/home/paul/.i3/config +/home/paul/.i3/#config# +/home/paul/.i3status.conf +/home/paul/#.i3status.conf# diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-15407-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-15407-warning~ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/home/paul/Desktop/c-nake/nake.c +/home/paul/Desktop/c-nake/#nake.c# diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-30154-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-30154-warning~ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/home/paul/desktop/pnbp/src/ +/home/paul/desktop/pnbp/src/ diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-3056-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-3056-warning~ diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-5337-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-5337-warning~ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/home/paul/.i3/config +/home/paul/.i3/#config# diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-6416-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-6416-warning~ diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-8620-warning~ b/emacs/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-8620-warning~ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/home/paul/Desktop/c-nake/nake.c +/home/paul/Desktop/c-nake/#nake.c# diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/go-mode-load.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/go-mode-load.el @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +;;; go-mode-load.el --- automatically extracted autoloads +;;; Commentary: + +;; To install go-mode, add the following lines to your .emacs file: +;; (add-to-list 'load-path "PATH CONTAINING go-mode-load.el" t) +;; (require 'go-mode-load) +;; +;; After this, go-mode will be used for files ending in '.go'. +;; +;; To compile go-mode from the command line, run the following +;; emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile go-mode.el +;; +;; See go-mode.el for documentation. +;; +;; To update this file, evaluate the following form +;; (let ((generated-autoload-file buffer-file-name)) (update-file-autoloads "go-mode.el")) + +;;; Code: + + +;;;### (autoloads (go-download-play godoc gofmt-before-save go-mode) +;;;;;; "go-mode" "go-mode.el" (20767 50749)) +;;; Generated autoloads from go-mode.el + +(autoload 'go-mode "go-mode" "\ +Major mode for editing Go source text. + +This mode provides (not just) basic editing capabilities for +working with Go code. It offers almost complete syntax +highlighting, indentation that is almost identical to gofmt, +proper parsing of the buffer content to allow features such as +navigation by function, manipulation of comments or detection of +strings. + +Additionally to these core features, it offers various features to +help with writing Go code. You can directly run buffer content +through gofmt, read godoc documentation from within Emacs, modify +and clean up the list of package imports or interact with the +Playground (uploading and downloading pastes). + +The following extra functions are defined: + +- `gofmt' +- `godoc' +- `go-import-add' +- `go-remove-unused-imports' +- `go-goto-imports' +- `go-play-buffer' and `go-play-region' +- `go-download-play' + +If you want to automatically run `gofmt' before saving a file, +add the following hook to your emacs configuration: + +\(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save) + +If you're looking for even more integration with Go, namely +on-the-fly syntax checking, auto-completion and snippets, it is +recommended to look at goflymake +\(, gocode +\( and yasnippet-go +\( + +\(fn)" t nil) + +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.go\\'" 'go-mode)) + +(autoload 'gofmt-before-save "go-mode" "\ +Add this to .emacs to run gofmt on the current buffer when saving: + (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save). + +Note that this will cause go-mode to get loaded the first time +you save any file, kind of defeating the point of autoloading. + +\(fn)" t nil) + +(autoload 'godoc "go-mode" "\ +Show go documentation for a query, much like M-x man. + +\(fn QUERY)" t nil) + +(autoload 'go-download-play "go-mode" "\ +Downloads a paste from the playground and inserts it in a Go +buffer. Tries to look for a URL at point. + +\(fn URL)" t nil) + +;;;*** + +(provide 'go-mode-load) +;; Local Variables: +;; version-control: never +;; no-byte-compile: t +;; no-update-autoloads: t +;; coding: utf-8 +;; End: +;;; go-mode-load.el ends here diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/go-mode.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/go-mode.el @@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@ +;;; go-mode.el --- Major mode for the Go programming language + +;; Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +;; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +;; license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +(require 'cl) +(require 'etags) +(require 'ffap) +(require 'ring) +(require 'url) + +;; XEmacs compatibility guidelines +;; - Minimum required version of XEmacs: 21.5.32 +;; - Feature that cannot be backported: POSIX character classes in +;; regular expressions +;; - Functions that could be backported but won't because 21.5.32 +;; covers them: plenty. +;; - Features that are still partly broken: +;; - godef will not work correctly if multibyte characters are +;; being used +;; - Fontification will not handle unicode correctly +;; +;; - Do not use \_< and \_> regexp delimiters directly; use +;; go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol +;; +;; - The character `_` must not be a symbol constituent but a +;; character constituent +;; +;; - Do not use process-lines +;; +;; - Use go--old-completion-list-style when using a plain list as the +;; collection for completing-read +;; +;; - Use go--kill-whole-line instead of kill-whole-line (called +;; kill-entire-line in XEmacs) +;; +;; - Use go--position-bytes instead of position-bytes +(defmacro go--xemacs-p () + `(featurep 'xemacs)) + +(defalias 'go--kill-whole-line + (if (fboundp 'kill-whole-line) + #'kill-whole-line + #'kill-entire-line)) + +;; Delete the current line without putting it in the kill-ring. +(defun go--delete-whole-line (&optional arg) + ;; Emacs uses both kill-region and kill-new, Xemacs only uses + ;; kill-region. In both cases we turn them into operations that do + ;; not modify the kill ring. This solution does depend on the + ;; implementation of kill-line, but it's the only viable solution + ;; that does not require to write kill-line from scratch. + (flet ((kill-region (beg end) + (delete-region beg end)) + (kill-new (s) ())) + (go--kill-whole-line arg))) + +;; declare-function is an empty macro that only byte-compile cares +;; about. Wrap in always false if to satisfy Emacsen without that +;; macro. +(if nil + (declare-function go--position-bytes "go-mode" (point))) +;; XEmacs unfortunately does not offer position-bytes. We can fall +;; back to just using (point), but it will be incorrect as soon as +;; multibyte characters are being used. +(if (fboundp 'position-bytes) + (defalias 'go--position-bytes #'position-bytes) + (defun go--position-bytes (point) point)) + +(defun go--old-completion-list-style (list) + (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x nil)) list)) + +;; GNU Emacs 24 has prog-mode, older GNU Emacs and XEmacs do not, so +;; copy its definition for those. +(if (not (fboundp 'prog-mode)) + (define-derived-mode prog-mode fundamental-mode "Prog" + "Major mode for editing source code." + (set (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) mode-require-final-newline) + (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t) + (setq bidi-paragraph-direction 'left-to-right))) + +(defun go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (s) + ;; XEmacs does not support \_<, GNU Emacs does. In GNU Emacs we make + ;; extensive use of \_< to support unicode in identifiers. Until we + ;; come up with a better solution for XEmacs, this solution will + ;; break fontification in XEmacs for identifiers such as "typeµ". + ;; XEmacs will consider "type" a keyword, GNU Emacs won't. + + (if (go--xemacs-p) + (concat "\\<" s "\\>") + (concat "\\_<" s "\\_>"))) + +;; Move up one level of parentheses. +(defun go-goto-opening-parenthesis (&optional legacy-unused) + ;; The old implementation of go-goto-opening-parenthesis had an + ;; optional argument to speed up the function. It didn't change the + ;; function's outcome. + + ;; Silently fail if there's no matching opening parenthesis. + (condition-case nil + (backward-up-list) + (scan-error nil))) + + +(defconst go-dangling-operators-regexp "[^-]-\\|[^+]\\+\\|[/*&><.=|^]") +(defconst go-identifier-regexp "[[:word:][:multibyte:]]+") +(defconst go-label-regexp go-identifier-regexp) +(defconst go-type-regexp "[[:word:][:multibyte:]*]+") +(defconst go-func-regexp (concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "\\s *\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)")) +(defconst go-func-meth-regexp (concat + (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "\\s *\\(?:(\\s *" + "\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\s +\\)?" go-type-regexp + "\\s *)\\s *\\)?\\(" + go-identifier-regexp + "\\)(")) +(defconst go-builtins + '("append" "cap" "close" "complex" "copy" + "delete" "imag" "len" "make" "new" + "panic" "print" "println" "real" "recover") + "All built-in functions in the Go language. Used for font locking.") + +(defconst go-mode-keywords + '("break" "default" "func" "interface" "select" + "case" "defer" "go" "map" "struct" + "chan" "else" "goto" "package" "switch" + "const" "fallthrough" "if" "range" "type" + "continue" "for" "import" "return" "var") + "All keywords in the Go language. Used for font locking.") + +(defconst go-constants '("nil" "true" "false" "iota")) +(defconst go-type-name-regexp (concat "\\(?:[*(]\\)*\\(?:" go-identifier-regexp "\\.\\)?\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)")) + +(defvar go-dangling-cache) +(defvar go-godoc-history nil) +(defvar go--coverage-current-file-name) + +(defgroup go nil + "Major mode for editing Go code" + :group 'languages) + +(defgroup go-cover nil + "Options specific to `cover`" + :group 'go) + +(defcustom go-fontify-function-calls t + "Fontify function and method calls if this is non-nil." + :type 'boolean + :group 'go) + +(defcustom go-mode-hook nil + "Hook called by `go-mode'." + :type 'hook + :group 'go) + +(defcustom go-command "go" + "The 'go' command. Some users have multiple Go development +trees and invoke the 'go' tool via a wrapper that sets GOROOT and +GOPATH based on the current directory. Such users should +customize this variable to point to the wrapper script." + :type 'string + :group 'go) + +(defcustom gofmt-command "gofmt" + "The 'gofmt' command. Some users may replace this with 'goimports' +from" + :type 'string + :group 'go) + +(defface go-coverage-untracked + '((t (:foreground "#505050"))) + "Coverage color of untracked code." + :group 'go-cover) + +(defface go-coverage-0 + '((t (:foreground "#c00000"))) + "Coverage color for uncovered code." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-1 + '((t (:foreground "#808080"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 1." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-2 + '((t (:foreground "#748c83"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 2." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-3 + '((t (:foreground "#689886"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 3." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-4 + '((t (:foreground "#5ca489"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 4." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-5 + '((t (:foreground "#50b08c"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 5." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-6 + '((t (:foreground "#44bc8f"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 6." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-7 + '((t (:foreground "#38c892"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 7." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-8 + '((t (:foreground "#2cd495"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 8. +For mode=set, all covered lines will have this weight." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-9 + '((t (:foreground "#20e098"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 9." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-10 + '((t (:foreground "#14ec9b"))) + "Coverage color for covered code with weight 10." + :group 'go-cover) +(defface go-coverage-covered + '((t (:foreground "#2cd495"))) + "Coverage color of covered code." + :group 'go-cover) + +(defvar go-mode-syntax-table + (let ((st (make-syntax-table))) + (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?- "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?% "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?& "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?| "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?^ "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?! "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?< "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?/ (if (go--xemacs-p) ". 1456" ". 124b") st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?` "\"" st) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" st) + ;; It would be nicer to have _ as a symbol constituent, but that + ;; would trip up XEmacs, which does not support the \_< anchor + (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" st) + + st) + "Syntax table for Go mode.") + +(defun go--build-font-lock-keywords () + ;; we cannot use 'symbols in regexp-opt because emacs <24 doesn't + ;; understand that + (append + `((,(go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (regexp-opt go-mode-keywords t)) . font-lock-keyword-face) + (,(go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (regexp-opt go-builtins t)) . font-lock-builtin-face) + (,(go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (regexp-opt go-constants t)) . font-lock-constant-face) + (,go-func-regexp 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) ;; function (not method) name + + (if go-fontify-function-calls + `((,(concat "\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)[[:space:]]*(") 1 font-lock-function-name-face) ;; function call/method name + (,(concat "[^[:word:][:multibyte:]](\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\))[[:space:]]*(") 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) ;; bracketed function call + `((,go-func-meth-regexp 1 font-lock-function-name-face))) ;; method name + + `( + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "type") "[[:space:]]*\\([^[:space:]]+\\)") 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; types + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "type") "[[:space:]]*" go-identifier-regexp "[[:space:]]*" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; types + (,(concat "[^[:word:][:multibyte:]]\\[\\([[:digit:]]+\\|\\.\\.\\.\\)?\\]" go-type-name-regexp) 2 font-lock-type-face) ;; Arrays/slices + (,(concat "\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)" "{") 1 font-lock-type-face) + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "map") "\\[[^]]+\\]" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; map value type + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "map") "\\[" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; map key type + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "chan") "[[:space:]]*\\(?:<-\\)?" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; channel type + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "\\(?:new\\|make\\)") "\\(?:[[:space:]]\\|)\\)*(" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; new/make type + ;; TODO do we actually need this one or isn't it just a function call? + (,(concat "\\.\\s *(" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; Type conversion + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "[[:space:]]+(" go-identifier-regexp "[[:space:]]+" go-type-name-regexp ")") 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; Method receiver + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "[[:space:]]+(" go-type-name-regexp ")") 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; Method receiver without variable name + ;; Like the original go-mode this also marks compound literal + ;; fields. There, it was marked as to fix, but I grew quite + ;; accustomed to it, so it'll stay for now. + (,(concat "^[[:space:]]*\\(" go-label-regexp "\\)[[:space:]]*:\\(\\S.\\|$\\)") 1 font-lock-constant-face) ;; Labels and compound literal fields + (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "\\(goto\\|break\\|continue\\)") "[[:space:]]*\\(" go-label-regexp "\\)") 2 font-lock-constant-face)))) ;; labels in goto/break/continue + +(defvar go-mode-map + (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) + (define-key m "}" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent) + (define-key m ")" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent) + (define-key m "," #'go-mode-insert-and-indent) + (define-key m ":" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent) + (define-key m "=" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent) + (define-key m (kbd "C-c C-a") #'go-import-add) + (define-key m (kbd "C-c C-j") #'godef-jump) + (define-key m (kbd "C-x 4 C-c C-j") #'godef-jump-other-window) + (define-key m (kbd "C-c C-d") #'godef-describe) + m) + "Keymap used by Go mode to implement electric keys.") + +(defun go-mode-insert-and-indent (key) + "Invoke the global binding of KEY, then reindent the line." + + (interactive (list (this-command-keys))) + (call-interactively (lookup-key (current-global-map) key)) + (indent-according-to-mode)) + +(defmacro go-paren-level () + `(car (syntax-ppss))) + +(defmacro go-in-string-or-comment-p () + `(nth 8 (syntax-ppss))) + +(defmacro go-in-string-p () + `(nth 3 (syntax-ppss))) + +(defmacro go-in-comment-p () + `(nth 4 (syntax-ppss))) + +(defmacro go-goto-beginning-of-string-or-comment () + `(goto-char (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)))) + +(defun go--backward-irrelevant (&optional stop-at-string) + "Skips backwards over any characters that are irrelevant for +indentation and related tasks. + +It skips over whitespace, comments, cases and labels and, if +STOP-AT-STRING is not true, over strings." + + (let (pos (start-pos (point))) + (skip-chars-backward "\n\s\t") + (if (and (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (go-in-string-p)) (looking-back "`") (not stop-at-string)) + (backward-char)) + (if (and (go-in-string-p) (not stop-at-string)) + (go-goto-beginning-of-string-or-comment)) + (if (looking-back "\\*/") + (backward-char)) + (if (go-in-comment-p) + (go-goto-beginning-of-string-or-comment)) + (setq pos (point)) + (beginning-of-line) + (if (or (looking-at (concat "^" go-label-regexp ":")) (looking-at "^[[:space:]]*\\(case .+\\|default\\):")) + (end-of-line 0) + (goto-char pos)) + (if (/= start-pos (point)) + (go--backward-irrelevant stop-at-string)) + (/= start-pos (point)))) + +(defun go--buffer-narrowed-p () + "Return non-nil if the current buffer is narrowed." + (/= (buffer-size) + (- (point-max) + (point-min)))) + +(defun go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p () + "Returns non-nil if the current line is a continuation line." + (let* ((cur-line (line-number-at-pos)) + (val (gethash cur-line go-dangling-cache 'nope))) + (if (or (go--buffer-narrowed-p) (equal val 'nope)) + (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (go--backward-irrelevant t) + (setq val (looking-back go-dangling-operators-regexp)) + (if (not (go--buffer-narrowed-p)) + (puthash cur-line val go-dangling-cache)))) + val)) + +(defun go--at-function-definition () + "Return non-nil if point is on the opening curly brace of a +function definition. + +We do this by first calling (beginning-of-defun), which will take +us to the start of *some* function. We then look for the opening +curly brace of that function and compare its position against the +curly brace we are checking. If they match, we return non-nil." + (if (= (char-after) ?\{) + (save-excursion + (let ((old-point (point)) + start-nesting) + (beginning-of-defun) + (when (looking-at "func ") + (setq start-nesting (go-paren-level)) + (skip-chars-forward "^{") + (while (> (go-paren-level) start-nesting) + (forward-char) + (skip-chars-forward "^{") 0) + (if (and (= (go-paren-level) start-nesting) (= old-point (point))) + t)))))) + +(defun go--indentation-for-opening-parenthesis () + "Return the semantic indentation for the current opening parenthesis. + +If point is on an opening curly brace and said curly brace +belongs to a function declaration, the indentation of the func +keyword will be returned. Otherwise the indentation of the +current line will be returned." + (save-excursion + (if (go--at-function-definition) + (progn + (beginning-of-defun) + (current-indentation)) + (current-indentation)))) + +(defun go-indentation-at-point () + (save-excursion + (let (start-nesting) + (back-to-indentation) + (setq start-nesting (go-paren-level)) + + (cond + ((go-in-string-p) + (current-indentation)) + ((looking-at "[])}]") + (go-goto-opening-parenthesis) + (if (go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p) + (- (current-indentation) tab-width) + (go--indentation-for-opening-parenthesis))) + ((progn (go--backward-irrelevant t) (looking-back go-dangling-operators-regexp)) + ;; only one nesting for all dangling operators in one operation + (if (go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p) + (current-indentation) + (+ (current-indentation) tab-width))) + ((zerop (go-paren-level)) + 0) + ((progn (go-goto-opening-parenthesis) (< (go-paren-level) start-nesting)) + (if (go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p) + (current-indentation) + (+ (go--indentation-for-opening-parenthesis) tab-width))) + (t + (current-indentation)))))) + +(defun go-mode-indent-line () + (interactive) + (let (indent + shift-amt + (pos (- (point-max) (point))) + (point (point)) + (beg (line-beginning-position))) + (back-to-indentation) + (if (go-in-string-or-comment-p) + (goto-char point) + (setq indent (go-indentation-at-point)) + (if (looking-at (concat go-label-regexp ":\\([[:space:]]*/.+\\)?$\\|case .+:\\|default:")) + (decf indent tab-width)) + (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-column))) + (if (zerop shift-amt) + nil + (delete-region beg (point)) + (indent-to indent)) + ;; If initial point was within line's indentation, + ;; position after the indentation. Else stay at same point in text. + (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point)) + (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))))) + +(defun go-beginning-of-defun (&optional count) + (unless count (setq count 1)) + (let ((first t) failure) + (dotimes (i (abs count)) + (while (and (not failure) + (or first (go-in-string-or-comment-p))) + (if (>= count 0) + (progn + (go--backward-irrelevant) + (if (not (re-search-backward go-func-meth-regexp nil t)) + (setq failure t))) + (if (looking-at go-func-meth-regexp) + (forward-char)) + (if (not (re-search-forward go-func-meth-regexp nil t)) + (setq failure t))) + (setq first nil))) + (if (< count 0) + (beginning-of-line)) + (not failure))) + +(defun go-end-of-defun () + (let (orig-level) + ;; It can happen that we're not placed before a function by emacs + (if (not (looking-at "func")) + (go-beginning-of-defun -1)) + (skip-chars-forward "^{") + (forward-char) + (setq orig-level (go-paren-level)) + (while (>= (go-paren-level) orig-level) + (skip-chars-forward "^}") + (forward-char)))) + +;;;###autoload +(define-derived-mode go-mode prog-mode "Go" + "Major mode for editing Go source text. + +This mode provides (not just) basic editing capabilities for +working with Go code. It offers almost complete syntax +highlighting, indentation that is almost identical to gofmt and +proper parsing of the buffer content to allow features such as +navigation by function, manipulation of comments or detection of +strings. + +In addition to these core features, it offers various features to +help with writing Go code. You can directly run buffer content +through gofmt, read godoc documentation from within Emacs, modify +and clean up the list of package imports or interact with the +Playground (uploading and downloading pastes). + +The following extra functions are defined: + +- `gofmt' +- `godoc' +- `go-import-add' +- `go-remove-unused-imports' +- `go-goto-imports' +- `go-play-buffer' and `go-play-region' +- `go-download-play' +- `godef-describe' and `godef-jump' +- `go-coverage' + +If you want to automatically run `gofmt' before saving a file, +add the following hook to your emacs configuration: + +\(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save) + +If you want to use `godef-jump' instead of etags (or similar), +consider binding godef-jump to `M-.', which is the default key +for `find-tag': + +\(add-hook 'go-mode-hook (lambda () + (local-set-key (kbd \"M-.\") #'godef-jump))) + +Please note that godef is an external dependency. You can install +it with + +go get + + +If you're looking for even more integration with Go, namely +on-the-fly syntax checking, auto-completion and snippets, it is +recommended that you look at goflymake +\(, gocode +\( and yasnippet-go +\(" + + ;; Font lock + (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) + '(go--build-font-lock-keywords)) + + ;; Indentation + (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) #'go-mode-indent-line) + + ;; Comments + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "// ") + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "") + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-use-syntax) t) + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "\\(//+\\|/\\*+\\)\\s *") + + (set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function) #'go-beginning-of-defun) + (set (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) #'go-end-of-defun) + + (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties) t) + (if (boundp 'syntax-propertize-function) + (set (make-local-variable 'syntax-propertize-function) #'go-propertize-syntax)) + + (set (make-local-variable 'go-dangling-cache) (make-hash-table :test 'eql)) + (add-hook 'before-change-functions (lambda (x y) (setq go-dangling-cache (make-hash-table :test 'eql))) t t) + + + (setq imenu-generic-expression + '(("type" "^type *\\([^ \t\n\r\f]*\\)" 1) + ("func" "^func *\\(.*\\) {" 1))) + (imenu-add-to-menubar "Index") + + ;; Go style + (setq indent-tabs-mode t) + + ;; Handle unit test failure output in compilation-mode + ;; + ;; Note the final t argument to add-to-list for append, ie put these at the + ;; *ends* of compilation-error-regexp-alist[-alist]. We want go-test to be + ;; handled first, otherwise other elements will match that don't work, and + ;; those alists are traversed in *reverse* order: + ;; + (when (and (boundp 'compilation-error-regexp-alist) + (boundp 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist)) + (add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist 'go-test t) + (add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist + '(go-test . ("^\t+\\([^()\t\n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):? .*$" 1 2)) t))) + +;;;###autoload +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.go\\'" 'go-mode)) + +(defun go--apply-rcs-patch (patch-buffer) + "Apply an RCS-formatted diff from PATCH-BUFFER to the current +buffer." + (let ((target-buffer (current-buffer)) + ;; Relative offset between buffer line numbers and line numbers + ;; in patch. + ;; + ;; Line numbers in the patch are based on the source file, so + ;; we have to keep an offset when making changes to the + ;; buffer. + ;; + ;; Appending lines decrements the offset (possibly making it + ;; negative), deleting lines increments it. This order + ;; simplifies the forward-line invocations. + (line-offset 0)) + (save-excursion + (with-current-buffer patch-buffer + (goto-char (point-min)) + (while (not (eobp)) + (unless (looking-at "^\\([ad]\\)\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)") + (error "invalid rcs patch or internal error in go--apply-rcs-patch")) + (forward-line) + (let ((action (match-string 1)) + (from (string-to-number (match-string 2))) + (len (string-to-number (match-string 3)))) + (cond + ((equal action "a") + (let ((start (point))) + (forward-line len) + (let ((text (buffer-substring start (point)))) + (with-current-buffer target-buffer + (decf line-offset len) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (forward-line (- from len line-offset)) + (insert text))))) + ((equal action "d") + (with-current-buffer target-buffer + (go--goto-line (- from line-offset)) + (incf line-offset len) + (go--delete-whole-line len))) + (t + (error "invalid rcs patch or internal error in go--apply-rcs-patch"))))))))) + +(defun gofmt () + "Formats the current buffer according to the gofmt tool." + + (interactive) + (let ((tmpfile (make-temp-file "gofmt" nil ".go")) + (patchbuf (get-buffer-create "*Gofmt patch*")) + (errbuf (get-buffer-create "*Gofmt Errors*")) + (coding-system-for-read 'utf-8) + (coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)) + + (with-current-buffer errbuf + (setq buffer-read-only nil) + (erase-buffer)) + (with-current-buffer patchbuf + (erase-buffer)) + + (write-region nil nil tmpfile) + + ;; We're using errbuf for the mixed stdout and stderr output. This + ;; is not an issue because gofmt -w does not produce any stdout + ;; output in case of success. + (if (zerop (call-process gofmt-command nil errbuf nil "-w" tmpfile)) + (if (zerop (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) "diff" nil patchbuf nil "-n" "-" tmpfile)) + (progn + (kill-buffer errbuf) + (message "Buffer is already gofmted")) + (go--apply-rcs-patch patchbuf) + (kill-buffer errbuf) + (message "Applied gofmt")) + (message "Could not apply gofmt. Check errors for details") + (gofmt--process-errors (buffer-file-name) tmpfile errbuf)) + + (kill-buffer patchbuf) + (delete-file tmpfile))) + + +(defun gofmt--process-errors (filename tmpfile errbuf) + ;; Convert the gofmt stderr to something understood by the compilation mode. + (with-current-buffer errbuf + (goto-char (point-min)) + (insert "gofmt errors:\n") + (while (search-forward-regexp (concat "^\\(" (regexp-quote tmpfile) "\\):") nil t) + (replace-match (file-name-nondirectory filename) t t nil 1)) + (compilation-mode) + (display-buffer errbuf))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun gofmt-before-save () + "Add this to .emacs to run gofmt on the current buffer when saving: + (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save). + +Note that this will cause go-mode to get loaded the first time +you save any file, kind of defeating the point of autoloading." + + (interactive) + (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt))) + +(defun godoc--read-query () + "Read a godoc query from the minibuffer." + ;; Compute the default query as the symbol under the cursor. + ;; TODO: This does the wrong thing for e.g. multipart.NewReader (it only grabs + ;; half) but I see no way to disambiguate that from e.g. foobar.SomeMethod. + (let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)) + (symbol (if bounds + (buffer-substring-no-properties (car bounds) + (cdr bounds))))) + (completing-read (if symbol + (format "godoc (default %s): " symbol) + "godoc: ") + (go--old-completion-list-style (go-packages)) nil nil nil 'go-godoc-history symbol))) + +(defun godoc--get-buffer (query) + "Get an empty buffer for a godoc query." + (let* ((buffer-name (concat "*godoc " query "*")) + (buffer (get-buffer buffer-name))) + ;; Kill the existing buffer if it already exists. + (when buffer (kill-buffer buffer)) + (get-buffer-create buffer-name))) + +(defun godoc--buffer-sentinel (proc event) + "Sentinel function run when godoc command completes." + (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc) + (cond ((string= event "finished\n") ;; Successful exit. + (goto-char (point-min)) + (view-mode 1) + (display-buffer (current-buffer) t)) + ((/= (process-exit-status proc) 0) ;; Error exit. + (let ((output (buffer-string))) + (kill-buffer (current-buffer)) + (message (concat "godoc: " output))))))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun godoc (query) + "Show go documentation for a query, much like M-x man." + (interactive (list (godoc--read-query))) + (unless (string= query "") + (set-process-sentinel + (start-process-shell-command "godoc" (godoc--get-buffer query) + (concat "godoc " query)) + 'godoc--buffer-sentinel) + nil)) + +(defun go-goto-imports () + "Move point to the block of imports. + +If using + + import ( + \"foo\" + \"bar\" + ) + +it will move point directly behind the last import. + +If using + + import \"foo\" + import \"bar\" + +it will move point to the next line after the last import. + +If no imports can be found, point will be moved after the package +declaration." + (interactive) + ;; FIXME if there's a block-commented import before the real + ;; imports, we'll jump to that one. + + ;; Generally, this function isn't very forgiving. it'll bark on + ;; extra whitespace. It works well for clean code. + (let ((old-point (point))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (cond + ((re-search-forward "^import ()" nil t) + (backward-char 1) + 'block-empty) + ((re-search-forward "^import ([^)]+)" nil t) + (backward-char 2) + 'block) + ((re-search-forward "\\(^import \\([^\"]+ \\)?\"[^\"]+\"\n?\\)+" nil t) + 'single) + ((re-search-forward "^[[:space:]\n]*package .+?\n" nil t) + (message "No imports found, moving point after package declaration") + 'none) + (t + (goto-char old-point) + (message "No imports or package declaration found. Is this really a Go file?") + 'fail)))) + +(defun go-play-buffer () + "Like `go-play-region', but acts on the entire buffer." + (interactive) + (go-play-region (point-min) (point-max))) + +(defun go-play-region (start end) + "Send the region to the Playground and stores the resulting +link in the kill ring." + (interactive "r") + (let* ((url-request-method "POST") + (url-request-extra-headers + '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))) + (url-request-data + (encode-coding-string + (buffer-substring-no-properties start end) + 'utf-8)) + (content-buf (url-retrieve + "" + (lambda (arg) + (cond + ((equal :error (car arg)) + (signal 'go-play-error (cdr arg))) + (t + (re-search-forward "\n\n") + (kill-new (format "" (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))) + (message "" (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))))))))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun go-download-play (url) + "Downloads a paste from the playground and inserts it in a Go +buffer. Tries to look for a URL at point." + (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer "Playground URL: " (ffap-url-p (ffap-string-at-point 'url))))) + (with-current-buffer + (let ((url-request-method "GET") url-request-data url-request-extra-headers) + (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat url ".go"))) + (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer (concat (car (last (split-string url "/"))) ".go")))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (re-search-forward "\n\n") + (copy-to-buffer buffer (point) (point-max)) + (kill-buffer) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (go-mode) + (switch-to-buffer buffer))))) + +(defun go-propertize-syntax (start end) + (save-excursion + (goto-char start) + (while (search-forward "\\" end t) + (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'syntax-table (if (= (char-after) ?`) '(1) '(9)))))) + +(defun go-import-add (arg import) + "Add a new import to the list of imports. + +When called with a prefix argument asks for an alternative name +to import the package as. + +If no list exists yet, one will be created if possible. + +If an identical import has been commented, it will be +uncommented, otherwise a new import will be added." + + ;; - If there's a matching `// import "foo"`, uncomment it + ;; - If we're in an import() block and there's a matching `"foo"`, uncomment it + ;; - Otherwise add a new import, with the appropriate syntax + (interactive + (list + current-prefix-arg + (replace-regexp-in-string "^[\"']\\|[\"']$" "" (completing-read "Package: " (go--old-completion-list-style (go-packages)))))) + (save-excursion + (let (as line import-start) + (if arg + (setq as (read-from-minibuffer "Import as: "))) + (if as + (setq line (format "%s \"%s\"" as import)) + (setq line (format "\"%s\"" import))) + + (goto-char (point-min)) + (if (re-search-forward (concat "^[[:space:]]*//[[:space:]]*import " line "$") nil t) + (uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)) + (case (go-goto-imports) + ('fail (message "Could not find a place to add import.")) + ('block-empty + (insert "\n\t" line "\n")) + ('block + (save-excursion + (re-search-backward "^import (") + (setq import-start (point))) + (if (re-search-backward (concat "^[[:space:]]*//[[:space:]]*" line "$") import-start t) + (uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)) + (insert "\n\t" line))) + ('single (insert "import " line "\n")) + ('none (insert "\nimport (\n\t" line "\n)\n"))))))) + +(defun go-root-and-paths () + (let* ((output (split-string (shell-command-to-string (concat go-command " env GOROOT GOPATH")) + "\n")) + (root (car output)) + (paths (split-string (cadr output) ":"))) + (append (list root) paths))) + +(defun go--string-prefix-p (s1 s2 &optional ignore-case) + "Return non-nil if S1 is a prefix of S2. +If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is case-insensitive." + (eq t (compare-strings s1 nil nil + s2 0 (length s1) ignore-case))) + +(defun go--directory-dirs (dir) + "Recursively return all subdirectories in DIR." + (if (file-directory-p dir) + (let ((dir (directory-file-name dir)) + (dirs '()) + (files (directory-files dir nil nil t))) + (dolist (file files) + (unless (member file '("." "..")) + (let ((file (concat dir "/" file))) + (if (file-directory-p file) + (setq dirs (append (cons file + (go--directory-dirs file)) + dirs)))))) + dirs) + '())) + + +(defun go-packages () + (sort + (delete-dups + (mapcan + (lambda (topdir) + (let ((pkgdir (concat topdir "/pkg/"))) + (mapcan (lambda (dir) + (mapcar (lambda (file) + (let ((sub (substring file (length pkgdir) -2))) + (unless (or (go--string-prefix-p "obj/" sub) (go--string-prefix-p "tool/" sub)) + (mapconcat #'identity (cdr (split-string sub "/")) "/")))) + (if (file-directory-p dir) + (directory-files dir t "\\.a$")))) + (if (file-directory-p pkgdir) + (go--directory-dirs pkgdir))))) + (go-root-and-paths))) + #'string<)) + +(defun go-unused-imports-lines () + ;; FIXME Technically, -o /dev/null fails in quite some cases (on + ;; Windows, when compiling from within GOPATH). Practically, + ;; however, it has the same end result: There won't be a + ;; compiled binary/archive, and we'll get our import errors when + ;; there are any. + (reverse (remove nil + (mapcar + (lambda (line) + (if (string-match "^\\(.+\\):\\([[:digit:]]+\\): imported and not used: \".+\".*$" line) + (if (string= (file-truename (match-string 1 line)) (file-truename buffer-file-name)) + (string-to-number (match-string 2 line))))) + (split-string (shell-command-to-string + (concat go-command + (if (string-match "_test\.go$" buffer-file-truename) + " test -c" + " build -o /dev/null"))) "\n"))))) + +(defun go-remove-unused-imports (arg) + "Removes all unused imports. If ARG is non-nil, unused imports +will be commented, otherwise they will be removed completely." + (interactive "P") + (save-excursion + (let ((cur-buffer (current-buffer)) flymake-state lines) + (when (boundp 'flymake-mode) + (setq flymake-state flymake-mode) + (flymake-mode-off)) + (save-some-buffers nil (lambda () (equal cur-buffer (current-buffer)))) + (if (buffer-modified-p) + (message "Cannot operate on unsaved buffer") + (setq lines (go-unused-imports-lines)) + (dolist (import lines) + (go--goto-line import) + (beginning-of-line) + (if arg + (comment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)) + (go--delete-whole-line))) + (message "Removed %d imports" (length lines))) + (if flymake-state (flymake-mode-on))))) + +(defun godef--find-file-line-column (specifier other-window) + "Given a file name in the format of `filename:line:column', +visit FILENAME and go to line LINE and column COLUMN." + (if (not (string-match "\\(.+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" specifier)) + ;; We've only been given a directory name + (funcall (if other-window #'find-file-other-window #'find-file) specifier) + (let ((filename (match-string 1 specifier)) + (line (string-to-number (match-string 2 specifier))) + (column (string-to-number (match-string 3 specifier)))) + (with-current-buffer (funcall (if other-window #'find-file-other-window #'find-file) filename) + (go--goto-line line) + (beginning-of-line) + (forward-char (1- column)) + (if (buffer-modified-p) + (message "Buffer is modified, file position might not have been correct")))))) + +(defun godef--call (point) + "Call godef, acquiring definition position and expression +description at POINT." + (if (go--xemacs-p) + (error "godef does not reliably work in XEmacs, expect bad results")) + (if (not (buffer-file-name (go--coverage-origin-buffer))) + (error "Cannot use godef on a buffer without a file name") + (let ((outbuf (get-buffer-create "*godef*"))) + (with-current-buffer outbuf + (erase-buffer)) + (call-process-region (point-min) + (point-max) + "godef" + nil + outbuf + nil + "-i" + "-t" + "-f" + (file-truename (buffer-file-name (go--coverage-origin-buffer))) + "-o" + (number-to-string (go--position-bytes (point)))) + (with-current-buffer outbuf + (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)) "\n"))))) + +(defun godef-describe (point) + "Describe the expression at POINT." + (interactive "d") + (condition-case nil + (let ((description (cdr (butlast (godef--call point) 1)))) + (if (not description) + (message "No description found for expression at point") + (message "%s" (mapconcat #'identity description "\n")))) + (file-error (message "Could not run godef binary")))) + +(defun godef-jump (point &optional other-window) + "Jump to the definition of the expression at POINT." + (interactive "d") + (condition-case nil + (let ((file (car (godef--call point)))) + (cond + ((string= "-" file) + (message "godef: expression is not defined anywhere")) + ((string= "godef: no identifier found" file) + (message "%s" file)) + ((go--string-prefix-p "godef: no declaration found for " file) + (message "%s" file)) + ((go--string-prefix-p "error finding import path for " file) + (message "%s" file)) + (t + (push-mark) + (ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring (point-marker)) + (godef--find-file-line-column file other-window)))) + (file-error (message "Could not run godef binary")))) + +(defun godef-jump-other-window (point) + (interactive "d") + (godef-jump point t)) + +(defun go--goto-line (line) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (forward-line (1- line))) + +(defun go--line-column-to-point (line column) + (save-excursion + (go--goto-line line) + (forward-char (1- column)) + (point))) + +(defstruct go--covered + start-line start-column end-line end-column covered count) + +(defun go--coverage-file () + "Return the coverage file to use, either by reading it from the +current coverage buffer or by prompting for it." + (if (boundp 'go--coverage-current-file-name) + go--coverage-current-file-name + (read-file-name "Coverage file: " nil nil t))) + +(defun go--coverage-origin-buffer () + "Return the buffer to base the coverage on." + (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer))) + +(defun go--coverage-face (count divisor) + "Return the intensity face for COUNT when using DIVISOR +to scale it to a range [0,10]. + +DIVISOR scales the absolute cover count to values from 0 to 10. +For DIVISOR = 0 the count will always translate to 8." + (let* ((norm (cond + ((= count 0) + -0.1) ;; Uncovered code, set to -0.1 so n becomes 0. + ((= divisor 0) + 0.8) ;; covermode=set, set to 0.8 so n becomes 8. + (t + (/ (log count) divisor)))) + (n (1+ (floor (* norm 9))))) ;; Convert normalized count [0,1] to intensity [0,10] + (concat "go-coverage-" (number-to-string n)))) + +(defun go--coverage-make-overlay (range divisor) + "Create a coverage overlay for a RANGE of covered/uncovered +code. Uses DIVISOR to scale absolute counts to a [0,10] scale." + (let* ((count (go--covered-count range)) + (face (go--coverage-face count divisor)) + (ov (make-overlay (go--line-column-to-point (go--covered-start-line range) + (go--covered-start-column range)) + (go--line-column-to-point (go--covered-end-line range) + (go--covered-end-column range))))) + + (overlay-put ov 'face face) + (overlay-put ov 'help-echo (format "Count: %d" count)))) + +(defun go--coverage-clear-overlays () + "Remove existing overlays and put a single untracked overlay +over the entire buffer." + (remove-overlays) + (overlay-put (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max)) + 'face + 'go-coverage-untracked)) + +(defun go--coverage-parse-file (coverage-file file-name) + "Parse COVERAGE-FILE and extract coverage information and +divisor for FILE-NAME." + (let (ranges + (max-count 0)) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents coverage-file) + (go--goto-line 2) ;; Skip over mode + (while (not (eobp)) + (let* ((parts (split-string (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)) ":")) + (file (car parts)) + (rest (split-string (nth 1 parts) "[., ]"))) + + (destructuring-bind + (start-line start-column end-line end-column num count) + (mapcar #'string-to-number rest) + + (when (and (string= (file-name-nondirectory file) file-name)) + (if (> count max-count) + (setq max-count count)) + (push (make-go--covered :start-line start-line + :start-column start-column + :end-line end-line + :end-column end-column + :covered (/= count 0) + :count count) + ranges))) + + (forward-line))) + + (list ranges (if (> max-count 0) (log max-count) 0))))) + +(defun go-coverage (&optional coverage-file) + "Open a clone of the current buffer and overlay it with +coverage information gathered via go test -coverprofile=COVERAGE-FILE. + +If COVERAGE-FILE is nil, it will either be inferred from the +current buffer if it's already a coverage buffer, or be prompted +for." + (interactive) + (let* ((cur-buffer (current-buffer)) + (origin-buffer (go--coverage-origin-buffer)) + (gocov-buffer-name (concat (buffer-name origin-buffer) "<gocov>")) + (coverage-file (or coverage-file (go--coverage-file))) + (ranges-and-divisor (go--coverage-parse-file + coverage-file + (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name origin-buffer)))) + (cov-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes coverage-file))) + (cur-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes (buffer-file-name origin-buffer))))) + + (if (< (float-time cov-mtime) (float-time cur-mtime)) + (message "Coverage file is older than the source file.")) + + (with-current-buffer (or (get-buffer gocov-buffer-name) + (make-indirect-buffer origin-buffer gocov-buffer-name t)) + (set (make-local-variable 'go--coverage-current-file-name) coverage-file) + + (save-excursion + (go--coverage-clear-overlays) + (dolist (range (car ranges-and-divisor)) + (go--coverage-make-overlay range (cadr ranges-and-divisor)))) + + (if (not (eq cur-buffer (current-buffer))) + (display-buffer (current-buffer) #'display-buffer-reuse-window))))) + +(provide 'go-mode) diff --git a/i3/.conkyrc b/i3/.conkyrc @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +background no +out_to_console yes +out_to_x no +update_interval 1 +total_run_times 0 +short_units yes +pad_percents 3 + +override_utf8_locale yes + +TEXT +,[\ + {"full_text": " ▲ [${upspeed}] ", "color":"\#ff0000"},\ + {"full_text": " ▼ [${downspeed}] ", "color":"\#00fff2"},\ + {"full_text": " || [$membar] ", "color":"\#B58900"},\ + {"full_text": " ■ [$cpubar] ", "color":"\#00A9B5"},\ + {"full_text": " ≈ [$processes] ","color":"\#33CC99"},\ + {"full_text": " [${time %I:%m}] ","color": "\#2fdc57"}\ +] diff --git a/i3/config b/i3/config @@ -4,34 +4,42 @@ # Should you change your keyboard layout somewhen, delete # this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1). # - # i3 config file (v4) # # Please see for a complete reference! set $mod Mod4 -exec gnome-settings-daemon - -exec ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd +exec xfsettingsd exec compton --backend glx --vsync opengl-swc --paint-on-overlay -exec feh --bg-tile ~/pictures/dimension.png +exec feh --bg-scale ~/pictures/313131.png # hide dem borders hide_edge_borders both # hide dem titles -for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 0 +for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 1 for_window [title="^float$"] floating enable -for_window [title="^float$"] border pixel 3 -# class border backgr. text indicator -client.focused #303031 #303031 #B7B7B7 #31392F -client.focused_inactive #303031 #303031 #B7B7B7 #676767 -client.unfocused #303031 #303031 #404041 #515151 -client.urgent #471A19 #521414 #ffffff #900000 +#colors + +set $background #EEEEEE +set $back-inact #313131 +set $back-urgen #FFEEEE +set $border #EEEEEE +set $bor-in #313131 +set $bor-ur #313131 +set $text #313131 +set $t-in #EEEEEE +set $t-ur #B00011 + +# class border background text indicator +client.focused $border $background $text #31392F +client.focused_inactive $bor-in $back-inact $t-in #676767 +client.unfocused $bor-in $back-inact $t-in #515151 +client.urgent $bor-ur $back-urgen $t-ur #900000 # font for window titles. ISO 10646 = Unicode #apt-get install xfonts-terminus @@ -52,6 +60,8 @@ bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run bindsym $mod+shift+d exec i3-dmenu-desktop +bindsym $mod+g exec slingshot-launcher + # change focus bindsym $mod+b focus left bindsym $mod+n focus down @@ -83,7 +93,7 @@ bindsym $mod+h split h bindsym $mod+v split v # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container -bindsym $mod+Shfit+f fullscreen +bindsym $mod+Shfit+z fullscreen # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, default) bindsym $mod+s layout stacking @@ -176,15 +186,15 @@ bindsym $mod+r mode "resize" # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status # finds out, if available) bar { - output DFP2 - status_command i3status + status_command conky-i3bar + tray_output none colors { - background #131313 - statusline #B7B7B7 - - focused_workspace #303031 #303031 #D78A0C - active_workspace #303031 #303031 #9A9A9A - inactive_workspace #303031 #303031 #9A9A9A - urgent_workspace #303031 #303031 #FF0000 + background $back-inact + statusline $text + #border #back #text + focused_workspace $border $background $text + active_workspace $border $background $text + inactive_workspace $bor-in $back-inact $t-in + urgent_workspace $bor-ur $back-urgen $t-ur } } diff --git a/i3/conky-i3bar b/i3/conky-i3bar @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# Send the header so that i3bar knows we want to use JSON: +echo '{"version":1}' + +# Begin the endless array. +echo '[' + +# We send an empty first array of blocks to make the loop simpler: +echo '[]' + +# Now send blocks with information forever: +exec conky -c $HOME/.conkyrc